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“The Practice Success Blueprint”

Innovative Strategies to Create
Your Very Own Million Dollar Practice

Discover the Exact Blueprint I’ve Used To Get a Constant Flow of
New Patients and Build a Multi-Million Dollar Chiropractic Practice

…and how to use the same strategies, systems
and procedures to create your very own thriving practice
full of happy referring patients

Dr. Bryan Joseph
January 15, 2017

Dear Fellow Chiropractor,

Quick question:

Are you sick and tired of being “Mised?” Mistreated, Misunderstood, Misbelieved, and Mispaid, and want to stop it right now?

If so, then this may be exactly “what the doctor ordered.”

If you know you’re providing great patient care, and you have the passion, talents and skills to deliver valuable life-improving treatments,

Yet you’re frustrated because you can’t seem to
get enough patients into your practice…

Or, you’re just having a hard time figuring out how to get “momentum” in your practice so patients can find you, and see what you offer…

Then make sure you read this entire letter right now because…

In just a moment, I’m going to share with you the proven fundamental blueprint system I use in my practice continually to:

  • Get a continuous flow of quality new paying patients
  • Track and manage my growth
  • Lead my team and boost your self esteem

The great thing about this blueprint is there’s nothing technical about it. It’s easy to understand and once you learn it, you’ll be able to start using it right away in your practice to…

Get a Steady Stream of High Quality Paying Patients into Your Practice


        • You’re going to discover the #1 fastest way to grow your practice – PROVEN and time-tested…  (Module 18)
        • You’re going to discover how to attract patients willing to drive right past other Chiropractors offices on their way to yours!  (Module 11)
        • And you’re going to discover how to ethically and honestly have these paying patients coming back to see you on a more frequent basis – for years and years…  (Module 10)

Look, if you’re frustrated because you’ve spent months or years working on your practice (that you KNOW certain people out there would love), but you just can’t find a way to reach them or get them to buy…

Then you’ll want to read every word on this page…

Because this blueprint is a proven path to finding the patients who WANT your help and finally having them pay you to the fair income you deserve.

Now, before we go any further, there’s one thing I want to make sure you understand:

I don’t believe in any kind of “get rich quick” techniques, or strategies that involve short term tricks, hacks, or loopholes. That’s why…

The Blueprint You’re About to Discover is Probably
Not Like Anything Else You’ve Seen or Tried

What I teach is based on fundamental and proven principles, rather than the latest Google trend or Facebook hack.

You just have to log in to Facebook to notice there’s a new “Guru” popping up almost every day claiming they’ve found a new way to get patients and make millions.

While these fly-by-night Gurus always seem to be focused on teaching how to “game” the system and new tricks to use, I’ve always been one to focus on using strategies that work for the long-term, fundamentals!

Taking this approach has really paid off for me in practice, and I think it will for you, too.

Especially when you consider the astonishing results these strategies have produced…

“The 25 Million Dollar Blueprint”

Yes, that’s a real number, and there really is a Blueprint along with the fundamentals and systems that has generated million dollar revenues in my practice for years and years, and I’m about to share them with you.

Over the past 15 years, I’ve been fortunate to start and grow 9 very profitable practices in several different cities.

Together these practices have attracted well over ten thousand new patients –– and sold a combined $25 million worth of Chiropractic and natural health care services.

I don’t share any of this with you to brag. In fact, I naturally tend to be more on the “shy” side and prefer to keep most of my accomplishments private.

But it is important for you to know that I have been very successful (and made a lot of money) with my Chiropractic practices –– and that I have developed a real blueprint that has worked extremely well for me, continues to work, and I think can help you, too.

It is also important you know I had to learn everything myself. To achieve these results and develop this system, I had to invest a substantial amount of time, energy, effort and money.

That’s because when I first started in practice, like most people…

I Use to REALLY Struggle to Find and Attract Patients.

It was REALLY Frustrating…

In fact, for the first few years of my practice career, I was jumping from one marketing gimmick to the other trying to make something work.

I spent weekend after weekend setting up a screening tent at the local fair – right between the lemonade shake-up and funnel cake stands. I got some results, but let’s face it, it was really embarrassing being a “doctor” standing out there feeling like I was begging for patients.

The one thing that always stopped me from growing fast was my inability to reach new patients in a professional and empowering way to get them to buy my services.

Often times I would spend several months studying the next really amazing service or technique that I knew certain people out there would love.

The only problem was I could never get enough people to buy from me to see any REAL success. Instead I kept collecting more equipment and in-office tools for me to look at.

It wasn’t until I learned a very important lesson about marketing, (which led me to create the blueprint I’m about to share with you), that things started taking off and I started making some real money from my practices…

The $600 Dollar Marketing Lesson That Made Me $2 Million Dollars

When I was 22 years old, I decided to get into Chiropractic. I thought that might be a good way to help people and to make money (I didn’t know why, but I always saw doctors wearing nice clothes and driving expensive cars).

So after I got my license and set up my practice, I had to start looking for patients.

The only problem is I didn’t know where to begin!

I knew there were people out there who needed Chiropractic treatments, but I didn’t know where to start looking for them.

So I decided to check out some practice marketing seminars, but that didn’t work out very well because…

My First Attempt to Get New
Patients Was a Disaster

The first marketing seminar I went to looked promising…

There was a guy on stage who was teaching a group of Chiropractors how to create flyers and advertisements and do spinal screenings to attract new patients.

It seemed interesting, and at the end of the seminar I went to the back of the room and bought a copy of these “do-it-yourself” ad templates and scripts.

I took one of the ads in the book, and ran it in my local community newspaper.

I spent a few hundred bucks on the ad.

The ad had a place to put a headshot of my big smiling face, and a headline that said, “Dr. Bryan Joseph is now accepting new patients that want to get well naturally.”

Cute, right?

Well… I thought I nailed it.

You can probably guess what happened next…

… Nobody called

I didn’t get a single call from that ad.

(well I did, but they were from a couple of my friends
who called to say they saw my ad and thought it looked GREAT… lol)

But not a single call from a potential patient. My Results: Negative $600.

More Learning…

Even when I was in Chiropractic College I knew I wanted to have my very own practice. And I scoured our library getting my hands on everything I could from all those practice experts.

Remember cassette tapes?! I spent most of my free time listening to those cassettes, watching VHS tapes, and reading everything I could get my hands on.

I even started going to “Seminars”, trying to glean tips from the experts. It didn’t take long before I began to identify some of the more successful Chiropractors in practice.

I started thinking… Maybe I should intern at their practice, or maybe I should spend a few years as an associate, watching and learning…

So after I graduated, I went to work for a very successful Chiropractor. He had a huge practice. It was my time to learn.

Every chance I got, I’d hammer him with questions about the BUSINESS of Chiropractic. And I’d ask questions…


        • Who are the best practice management experts out there?
        • Who should I pay attention to?
        • Whose seminars should I go to?
        • Who’s the best for me?

Moderate Success

After 2 years of being an associate, I opened my first practice with my brother.

We were completely confident with our clinical skills – how to treat patients.

And after going to at least 50 practice management seminars during the past 4 years, and being a “member” of 2 of them, we began applying all the tools and lessons we’d learned to market our own practice.

We were getting some results. Patients were coming in, and we started building a solid reputation!

We weren’t quite getting the raving results all those practice management experts were talking about, but we were experiencing some moderate results!

And – we were taking home a good paycheck!

“The Speed Bump”

You know those pesky little speed bumps they have in the roads – to slow the traffic down? We were experiencing a good growth trend, and all of a sudden –

    Bam!  The growth just stopped.

      No matter what we did and what we tried, we just couldn’t get over it. Our practice seemed like it was stuck.

      The very first thing I did was go back through all my notes – all the way to the beginning when I was in Chiropractic College.

      I went through every note from every seminar and convention I’d ever been to. I was looking for the missing clues, what I’d left out, doing my best to figure out how to get over this darned hurdle that had us held hostage…

      Going through all my notes was eye-opening, and for the first time in at least 4 to 6 years…

        It made me realize something really sad…

          All these so-called “experts” are basically teaching and saying the same thing.

          What’s worse, I didn’t find the answer to our problem.

            And then, something happened
            that changed my life forever…

              Fast forward a few months…

              I was invited to an ultra-exclusive weekend in Chicago with some very successful Chiropractors – like a “Chiropractic Business Success Summit.”

              The very first presenter was one of the most successful and well-known practice experts in our profession. He’s helped thousands of Chiropractors become super successful – and hundreds of them become multi-millionaires!

              And it was during that weekend that he introduced his own “high priced” personal business coach to the group.

              He told us how his coach flew to the meeting in his very own private jet!

                And he talked about how his coach has a completely new
                and fresh perspective on Chiropractic Businesses!

                  Will came up and spoke to us. But he wasn’t like any expert or presenter I’d ever seen or heard before. Everything he was talking about was COMPLETELY NEW – COMPLETELY FRESH. I’d never heard anything like it before!

                    Yet everything he was saying made complete sense!

                      About half way through Will’s presentation, I realized – this guy Will…

                      He isn’t a Chiropractor. He’s a super-successful business man!

                        Will began sharing the highlights of his “13 Profit Activators” –